Wednesday, February 27, 2008

When things go wrong ...

... all you can do is soak!

1. After working like a navvy all day to clean out my old house, I started to replace two of light fittings in the lounge - the guy in the store assured me they were easy to install, and they were - except for the minor detail that there was this weird orange wire that connected the two of them! So when I pulled it free of the first one, the second light crashed to the friggin' ground! Now I'll have to get an electrician in after all - :((

2. The second buyer for my old fridge let me down. :(

3. I still don't have a new home for Rappy the Cat .... :((( some more ...

4. Both the kids are sick - daughter has a weird virus that just eats up all your energy, and son is just starting with the flu - the real thing with joint pains, temperature, headaches, cough ...

So that's why today's post - which was going to be of my shiny, well-lit old house - is instead of my exhausted feet soaking in the tub.


ExMi said...

hello there..

enjoyed reading your blog!

wanted to invite you to join the South African Bloggers Network -

still new, still recruiting...

sign up, so we can all hook up!

ps: thought you might also enjoy the Bad Mommy Blog (

R.J. Keller said...

Oh no! What a hideous day. You definitely deserved that soak.

(((((Big hugs.)))))

CharlotteV said...

Oh no! Elle, you are doing the exact right thing soaking in that tub! Wish I could be there with you -- but not in THAT way, if ya know what I mean! LOL!